Honor Magic 6, an “Ultimate Edition” with a special camera is coming

The new gadget allegedly destined to be added to the existing Magic6 family devices is about to be released by Honor, and it will surely be given an appellation that outranks the current so called `king` , the Magic6 Pro. A teaser was posted by the Chinese manufacturer some hours ago on a local social network called Weibo. The ‘Ultimate Edition’ seems to be the topic. The photo doesn’t show obvious features, excepting a camera module the appearance of which is definitely catching one’s eye.

In worst days, when the app notifies that my heart has already beats more than a million times or it reveals me when the last time I practiced selfcare was, the B-side of the smartphone seems to have a lot to tell. Under the surface of a metal hue that appears to be strong lather or faux leather there is still an underlying layer. At an analogue level with the side of the module leveled, there is a big square with indentations and covered in glass with golden lines. You also notice that it has look at side as glass almost appears to have curved sides.

A very interesting detail is that you can’t see the actual cameras: The phrase “will the mirror actually depict the future, or is it a lead-up to a shock scene for the fans ?” is it the intentional omission in the final edit of the scene / the film itself to leave some space for the imagination of the fans or is this rather a technical ability of the glass – is it maybe sort of electrochromy consists in the attribute that we can already see in the movies?

The slower the process, the safer it is; the faster, the faster. Hence, McKenna and Thomas are on the opposite sides of the dilemma: time. At this point, it is too early to tell, but the following statements clearly indicate that Honor heavily relies on the beauty of the “Ultimate Edition”, rather than the functionality of it. Bad luck, we don’t know what the underlying layers look like at this point, but the silver lining is that there’s a wait only for 10 days – the timeframe provided by the company is set for 18 March (18 March).

Included in the price, the user will receive 3 gifts:Included in the price, the user will receive 3 gifts:


-100W Charger

-Screen protector 6 months.

A note of the fact is that Huawei had already confirmed before that besides Magic 6, there would be another Porsche Design cellphone in this March. The only feature to indicate that the one edition is the same as the other, for the moment, is only a supposition. Regretfully, the programs of this kind have no chance to move beyond national borders (the countries of origin are hardly ever targeted at foreign countries), however we will witness the changes.