Death of Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube

Susan Wojcick has died
The former CEO of YouTube and the owner of a beautiful voice, Susan Wojcicki, passed away at the age of 56 after the struggle with lung cancer for the last two years. The news was announced by the husband Dennis Troper on the Facebook page, in which he honored not only his wife but a mother and a friend of everyone.

A pillar of Google
With such words, Troper can only attest to the profound influence she made in the family and the world, including Google, based on her positive quota in the company. Tripps It must be admitted that Wojcicki has been instrumental in the creation and development of the web giant. It all began in his garage: founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin initially worked in the garage of the house.

She was the first marketing manager ever in the company, was part of the team which developed Google image search, and was also the first to manage AdSense product. She was also in charge of Google videos and persuaded the company to purchase YouTube the following year.

In my opinion, outstanding leadership of the company behind YouTube
In 2014 Wojcicki was appointed as a chief executive officer of YouTube and made the site a cornerstone of Google. When she was still the CEO, YouTube’s ad revenue for fiscal year 2022 was $29. The figure was 24 billion, or over 10 per cent of the total revenue of the company.

A societal commitment
Besides working for Google Wojcicki has been involved in large societal issues. Her focus was on the pay inequality between men and women in the IT industry as well as refugees. On matters to do with long term parental leave, Wojcicki was more supportive and was able to prove the impact the act had on the various businesses. present Alphabet’s CEO Sundar Pichai said that Wojcicki was ‘very much at the core of Google and has made a tremendous difference to the world’.