Apple Music loses its essence with new ‘Find Your Mood’ playlists

New to the Apple Music service playlists are.
Good news for playlist lovers: Apple has added five new playlists to the music apple music, its music streaming service which aims at creating personalized music lists. Smartly marketed as tools to “find your mood” they are located prominently at the Apple Music homepage.

Playlists for every mood
These new playlists that play more or less continuously are as I have said related to a given mood. They are in addition to the two playlists that are currently available; Love and Heartbreak playlists. The newcomers are:

Feel Good
Feeling Blue
From the Apple, these playlists are generated and depend on your listening habits thus you get a music playlist that makes a certain mood.

This is developing into an evolution towards algorithmic curation.
These new playlists which play continuously and one canSkip to another one is an indication that they are managed by algorithms. This approach can be regarded as quite different from the human curation that had been so characteristic for Apple Music compared to the other services.

Hundreds of playlists made by music lovers, chosen by Apple among the best, were one of the Apple Music’s advantages. It allowed to find new artists or listen to some tracks again in the world where AI and machine learning takes more and more space.

Advantages despite everything
Nevertheless, Apple Music has not become fully computerized with curation as we will see below still possessing some significant strengths. For instance, lossless Hi-Res quality, detailed artist descriptions, and Apple Music Classical as part of the basic subscription with a cheaper price than Spotify makes the application exciting. However for some people, the novelty and appeal of the human playlists will perhaps never be had again.